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Our Work

to our
Denver Friends & Community Volunteers

Our final day to provide overnight emergency shelter for migrants was Friday, March 29. We have successfully gotten further accommodation for our current guests. Please pray that God would continue to be with them as they transition to other housing situations.

Although the overnight portion of the emergency shelter is finalizing, DFC still feels a strong call to minister and serve the migrant population. 

In what direction is God asking us to move? We have some ideas, but we are currently brainstorming where God might lead us.

Migrant Ministry Opportunity

Our hope is to inspire and connect with other churches around the nation that would like to get involved in this ministry seeking to share the love of Jesus with the newcomers to the USA.

Sunday School or Bible Study gathering at 9:30am

Worship Service and Preaching at 11AM in the Sanctuary Upstairs.

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