I'm visiting for the first time. What should I expect?
Where: The corner of W 46th Ave and Federal Ave, Denver, CO 80211
When: 9:30 am every Sunday morning / 10:45 am for donuts, coffee, and fellowship / 11:00 am for Christian Education Classes
What to wear: Please wear whatever is comfortable for you.
Free parking: Available on the southeast corner of W 46th and Federal Ave.
Kids: Are always welcome! We have a full family ministry. For more information about Children's Ministries, click here.
Bible: Please bring one if you have it in any form: written text or electronic. We have copies of the NLT translation available if you need one.
Sunday Morning Service
These elements are included most every week:
Worship: We sing mostly contemporary songs with some traditional hymns.
Announcements: There is always something going on and you can find out about events through the bulletin, through the slides projected before the service, or through announcements spoken during the service.
Offering: A way to let us know you're here by filling out a Connect Card, to request prayer (on the back of the card), to ask someone to give you a call this week, or to drop in a monetary offering if you are so led.
Children's Church: Children in grades 2nd - 5th are dismissed before the sermon to attend Children's Church. More information about this can be found here.
Open Worship: This is a Friends (Quaker) distinctive practice which is described below.
Sermon: A message with a Biblical theme, usually given by Pastor Keith Reeser.
On 5th Sundays, children stay with us during the whole service and what happens is more kid-friendly.
Open Worship
Friends (Quakers) believe that God is currently present with us and Open Worship is a time where we provide Him space to speak to us. This time can be completely silent, or if someone feels that God has laid something on their heart that is for the whole body, they may speak that out. If you feel God is prompting you to speak, ask yourself, "Is this from the Holy Spirit and for the edification of the whole congregation?" Jeremiah describes what this feels like: "If I say, 'I will not mention him [God], or speak any more in his name, then within me there is something like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot" Jeremiah 20:9.
What makes us different
Another thing that makes Denver Friends Church unique from many other churches is that we are a diverse group. We are an inter-generational congregation with people of all ages represented. We do not have a shared view of politics, or other highly charged ideologies being debated in American society. What we do share is a desire to love one another no matter what. Our belief in Christ is what binds us together in a spirit of love, truth, and grace. And that belief is ultimately greater than our differences. We would welcome you to this family of sinners in need of a Savior. We continue to strive to find what it means individually and collectively to be followers of Jesus Christ.
After the service and Sunday School
After the time of food and fellowship, which is roughly 15 min, the Christian Education hour begins at 11:00 am. You're encouraged to pick a class that looks right to you and join it. The listings of those classes can be found here. If you have children grades 2 through 12, the list of their classes can be found here.
Other items of interest
If you want to know what we believe, who Jesus is, or other items we consider important, click here. Note: You do not need to agree with this list to come visit us.
Interested in who is on staff and a brief bio of each person? By visiting this page, you will at least be able to recognize a handful of people and they are available to answer questions you may have about us after the service.
If you are lost, grab one of the pastoral staff, the greeters who met you at the door, go to the check-in station located on the lower level at the bottom of the stairs, or just ask someone around you and they might know or be able to find someone that does. We are a pretty friendly (no pun intended) group.
Have other questions that weren't covered? Click here to call us or e-mail us and we will try to answer them.